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Like any good party, there are plenty of these games during a Bus Party™. Some take place on the bus, others in the bar; some can only be played during an event like a Bus Party™. Read up on some of the favorites.

All right Bus Party™ veterans! If you have a favorite bus party game, send me a note and we'll get it up on this page!

chibus4.jpg (5158 bytes)
Blow Ball

drunksign.gif (299 bytes)
Check out the outrageous rules to B E E R Sign.


Thumper is a drinking game (what else?) that can be played by any number of people, but anywhere from five to ten is preferable. The set up and rules are quite simple. All it takes is a good memory, some quick hands, and a strong stomach.

Blow Ball

Certainly the number one "large group" game on the Bus Party. Paul Minch has been the master of ceremonies of this wonderful game for years. Not familiar with the game? Here's playing instructions directly from the king of blow ball himself.

busdice.gif (5099 bytes)Mexican Dice

Rated "number one Bus Party™ game" by The Mark Mathu Party Page.

Bus Tire Roulette

Gamblers beware! This game is for you. This particular game was added by a couple of my poker playing buddies, who "play the tires" every year.

B E E R Sign

This one was made for a bus party. Any number of people may play.


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Updated September 13, 2014
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